Whilst many of you will know all about Google Adsense there may be a number who don't. This brief introduction to the programme is dedicated to those who do not have a clear understanding of the programme and wish familiarise themselves with it.
As the title suggests, Adsense is an advertisement application run by Google (there are a number of other less popular advertisement applications out there run by other companies such as Yahoo but we will deal with them another time).
Website owners or bloggers who wish to enrol in the Adsense programme can display text, image and video advertisements on their sites. The adverts are administered by Google and generate income, usually on a per click basis (this is commonly known as Pay Per Click or PPC).
Adsense is a great starting point for bloggers using the free blogging platform blogger (as I am) due to the simplicity involved in uploading Adsense to the blog. This is mainly due to the fact that Google also owns Blogger.
Although this is only a brief overview of Adsense as a whole, the purpose is to simply offer readers a brief introduction to the programme. You can read all the Adsense related articles on this site by click the link below: